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About Us



How and why Health Source Acupuncture & Integrative Medicine is revolutionizing healthcare by challenging the “status quo” for treating today’s most chronic and complex health challenges. 


Problem We Solve

Standard medical care for chronic conditions mostly focuses on symptoms and not the root cause.

Our Mission

Our mission is to help as many people as possible live healthy, happy, productive lives filled with everlasting joy and purpose.


Patient Centered

In our office, you are treated like a human being…NOT a diagnosis and NOT a disease.  It doesn’t matter if you have been diagnosed with a disease or specific illness because no two people are exactly the same, which we why we take a personalized approach to helping our patients.  

Results Oriented

Our number one focus is patient results.  We do our best to do whatever it takes to help you achieve your health and wellness goals. This is why we are constantly investing in new equipment and always adding treatment options into our office.  We don’t take “cookie-cutter”  approaches here, because in order to get the best results possible, we have to focus on your unique individual needs.

Solution Focused

We don’t put band aids on broken bones!  Other than acute injuries and emergency life saving measures, most standard medical care for chronic conditions solely focuses on managing symptoms without ever trying to get to the actual cause of why the symptoms started in the first place.  We take a holistic approach and look at many factors that most doctors ignore or don’t feel is even a problem.  We look “outside the box” to understand your unique situation.  Getting to the cause and correcting it, does take time, but it will allow you to feel better and improve your quality of life long term as well.

Collaborative Care

The truth is, we can’t do this alone. We cannot solely be responsible for your healthcare because that is not how this works.  This is a partnership between us.  Who is responsible for your health?   YOU ARE… and you can’t push that responsibility onto anyone else.  We are here to serve as an expert guide and to work with you. We want you to understand what is going wrong with your health and empower you to be in control, which is why you need to be a participant.  There is no secret that the patients in our office that get the best results are the ones that make it a priority, listen to our recommendations, and are committed to their care.

Integrative Approach

As great as traditional acupuncture has been for thousands of years,  the fact is most problems these days, in general, are solved through technology….so why would healthcare be any different?   A more modern approach is needed and is available now that didn’t exist before. 

We solved this by bridging the gap between traditional acupuncture and modern day science and advanced biotechnologies. By combining the best of both modern biotechnology and traditional acupuncture in specific combinations we are able to achieve more predictable and consistent results, accelerate healing, use less needles, get better outcomes, and it allows us to expand our ability to help people that are suffering with today’s most challenging and chronic health conditions.

Modern Research

We use up to date science and research to guide us in what needs to be done to get the best results possible for our patients.  Did you know that according to the the American Medical Association the average medical clinic is 17-18 years behind the research? That is unacceptable. If we are to get results for today’s most complex and chronic health issues, we need to stack the deck in our favor as much as possible and use everything at our disposal. Science has come a long way to helping us understand more about how the human body works and how we can help it maintain or restore health.

Why does Health Source Acupuncture & Integrative Medicine exist?

My Why…

At an early age, I saw my Grandmom pass away from Cancer.  She lived with us and was on hospice.  This was my first experience dealing with what death and the loss of a family member.

When I was 20 years old, I lost one of my best friends due to a fatal car accident.  I spoke at his funeral, and looking out at all my friends who were there was really surreal.  I could not believe that I would never see my friend again.  He was so young, and had his whole life ahead of him. 

When I started dating my girlfriend, (now wife) while I was studying acupuncture, she had been suffering with severe migraines for most of her life.  She was only 22 at the time when I met her and I witnessed firsthand how her life was impacted from this.  

Dr. Dominic Sembello
Doctor of Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine

At the age of 35, I lost my Mom to a very rare and aggressive cancer.  She was the life of the party, so full of energy before her diagnosis and in nine months she was gone.  She was only 58 years old.   I was there by her side for her final moments, something I will never forget.  This was the defining moment that literally altered my view on living and really made me realize what is important in life.   This was my wake up call.  Life is too short, and you don’t know when your time will come to an end.


Losing my Mom was very difficult and re-ignited my passion for helping people live healthy, happy, productive lives filled with joy and purpose.  

Your health is the ONLY thing you have in this life and without it…YOU HAVE NOTHING.  You can’t go to the store and buy it or trade it…BUT for the majority of people suffering with chronic diseases and chronic pain, you have a choice to do something about it.   

About Me…

I am the Clinical Director and founder of Health Source Acupuncture & Integrative Medicine. I have had the pleasure of helping change peoples health and lives over my 20+ year career.  I specialize in chronic pain and complex health conditions, specifically those who have been deemed “hopeless” or “untreatable”.  I hold a license to practice acupuncture in the state of New Jersey and Pennsylvania.

At the heart of my practice are two core beliefs:

  1.  Belief in the body’s ability to heal itself when given the the chance. 
  2.  Belief that YOU have the choice to improve your health.

I have dedicated my professional career to helping patients’ find safe, effective, non-pharmaceutical and non-invasive  treatment options that get results!  Unfortunately standard treatment options for chronic health illnesses are often times not enough, which is leaving millions of people suffering for months, years, and even decades.

At Health Source Acupuncture & Integrative Medicine we use an innovative approach that integrates acupuncture and modern medical biotechnologies in a specific way that allows the body to unlock its true healing potential.  This approach is what allows our patients to achieve results they didn’t even think were possible anymore.

About My Education and Training…

I graduated from West Chester University of Pennsylvania with a Bachelor’s Degree in Sports Medicine in 1997, and went on to attend the Pacific College of Health and Science (formerly known as PCOM) in San Diego, California. Pacific College is the largest and one of the most well respected colleges in the United States for Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine. As part of my education I was also formally trained in Chinese Herbal Medicine which is an important aspect of my practice. I went on to further my education and earn my Doctor of Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine (DAcHM) degree from Five Branches University.

Over the past 20 years, I have had the opportunity to study and be mentored by some of the most well-known and well-respected experts in the United States and the world in a variety of fields and backgrounds. Some of my post graduate training includes Advanced Acupuncture Pain Management Solutions, Electro-Acupuncture Medicine, Orthopedic Acupuncture and Sports Injury Rehabilitation, and even Women’s Health and Fertility to name just a few.

I also serve on the Board of Directors as the Vice President of Pennsylvania for the National Guild of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NGAOM). The NGAOM is a professional medical society and an Office for Professional Employees International Union (OPEIU), affiliated with the AFL-CIO. Their mission is to develop and maintain scientifically based standards of practice for Acupuncture and to advocate for legislation and increased access to care.  

Are You Ready To Take Back Control Of Your Health?

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