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Acupuncture for Treating Leaky Gut Syndrome

Acupuncture for Treating Leaky Gut Syndrome

There are a variety of gastrointestinal and autoimmune diseases that can contribute to what is known as leaky gut syndrome. So, what exactly is leaky gut syndrome? It’s close to exactly what it sounds like. Each one of us has semi-permeable intestinal membrane. What that means is the mucous lining of our intestines is designed to absorb water and nutrients from our food. Your intestinal lining is responsible for acting as a barrier to bacteria. With leaky gut syndrome, your intestinal lining “leaks” allowing more water and nutrients through, but also potentially allowing toxic molecules to come through as well which is not suppose to happen.

Some common causes of leaky gut include suffering from irritable bowel syndrome, celiac disease, undergoing chemotherapy or radiation, chronic overuse of NSAIDs or alcohol and even food allergies. Symptoms can include gas, bloating, low energy levels, and painful indigestion. Basically, your immune system is compromised when you have leaky gut. 

If you think leaky gut syndrome might be an issue, there are some steps you can take that may provide some relief. Dietary changes are typically the first order of business. Avoiding alcohol, processed sugars, caffeine, and dairy products is a good first step. Try eating more organic fruits and vegetables loaded with antioxidants that fight off free radicals. Add in some essential fatty acids from foods such as walnuts and flaxseed oil. 

If you are still experiencing any symptoms, the next best option is to make an appointment at our office.  The very first thing we will do is get your set up with an initial consultation to find out your unique situation as no two people are exactly the same.  During your consultation we will do a full health history to examine the potential underlying root causes that might be allowing this to occur. Some of the questions asked might not make sense initially as they might not seem related.  Remember, we are looking at your entire body in a holistic way as this is how we get results for people in a similar situation.

If during your consultation, if we feel confident we can help your situation, we can discuss possible options to help you.   

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