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Acupuncture has been very successful for me! 

Acupuncture has been very successful for me!  The needles have been placed in many different locations and have helped me significantly reduce the pain I was having in my right shoulder that accompanied the surgery I had to repair my rotator cuff.  Along with physical therapy, acupuncture has been working great.  I was amazed at how the acupuncture softened the visible scars I had and now, they are as soft as the skin around them!

I know that many people are hesitant to try acupuncture because of the needles, but I must say the needles are so thin that you barely feel anything at all.  I don’t fully understand how it works but it worked well for me.  I recommend it for anyone.  It is worth trying to see if it will work for you like it has worked for me.

– Kathy A., 47, Customer Service Representative

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