Health Source Acupuncture & Integrative Medicine in Linwood
If standard treatment options such as prescriptions drugs, surgeries, or other medical procedures or therapies have all failed to produce the desired results you want…THERE IS HOPE!
The vast majority of our patients have the exact same stories, but it doesn’t have to be that way. We have been helping people achieve life changing results for over two decades.
We Specialize In Helping People With Today’s Most Difficult To Treat, Chronic, And Even Unexplained Symptoms Or Illnesses Get Results They Didn’t Even Think Were Possible.
A Special Message From Dr. Dominic Sembello
Here are some of the inspirational stories and results of patients we have had the chance to serve.
What Our Patients Are Saying
My name is Patricia. I am a 49 year old woman who had been suffering from Fibromyalgia for 10 years before I started receiving acupuncture. What a difference when I did! My conditions improved in terms of my ability to move, my energy levels, I am not tired and my overall health condition has improved. I’m not the same person, my life has changed forever…NO PAIN!!! This was my last resort for treating health issues due to fibromyalgia. My doctor could not believe
... Read more »After my car accident I was in a lot pain in my low back and spine area. After many months of minimal relief it was recommended to me to try acupuncture. I was a little nervous at first because I don’t like needles but I was pleasantly surprised after the first treatment that the needles didn’t even hurt. Not only that but after my first acupuncture treatment, I noticed a decrease in pain. I was shocked! My pain today is almost
... Read more »A car accident left me with severe lower back pain and headaches. After seeking other treatment options and shying away from pain medications and injections, I turned to acupuncture. Like most people I was leary of the “needles” and nervous to start. Dominic, was very informative and calming. After just two weeks of treatment I noticed a remarkable improvement in my pain levels and frequency of pain. As the treatment progressed, it became obvious it was alleviating my symptoms. I felt
... Read more »I was recommended to try acupuncture by my Chiropractor. I have structural issues with the curvature of my spine and my mid back is always tight and in spasm. I can’t quite pinpoint how it works but IT DOES! Not only did it help me with my pain levels and muscle tightness it helped me relax and alleviated a lot of stress at the same time. During the treatments for some reason I was able to achieve a level of
... Read more »I have been dealing with neck pain and stiffness for almost one year. I was diagnosed with two bulging discs in my neck. It prevents me from doing normal activities like looking up, working, and lifting heavy objects. I was referred to try acupuncture by my doctor and was open to the suggestion; I was just hoping that anything would help me at that point. My initial examination was very professional and thorough. After starting the acupuncture treatments I started to
... Read more »I have been dealing with terrible low back pain and working on my feet all day was so difficult, until I met Dominic! After I started treating with acupuncture I was sleeping better and thinking less and less about my pain and now I can go through work with taking any pain medicine! Dominic was so easy to talk to and has great bedside manners and really tries to get to the problem. I would definitely recommend acupuncture treatment as
When it comes to treating chronic and long term health illnesses and diseases, the conventional medical treatment approach often times misses the mark. As advances in medicine grow, why do we as a society keep getting sicker and sicker and not healthier? Things like chronic pain, autoimmune conditions, and inflammation related diseases are more common than ever. In fact, these types of conditions and diseases are some of the most poorly managed in our current healthcare system which leaves millions of people suffering day after day and year after year with little hope of ever improving. There has to be a better way!!!
What is the BECR™ Method
Bio Electric Cellular Regeneration (BECR™) is an innovative and scientific based personalized treatment method that doesn’t just manage symptoms, it actually addresses the underlying reason why people are experiencing their health issues in the first place and then works to correct it. The BECR™ Method works with human physiology and biology, rather than against it, so you can unlock your bodies true healing potential.
This method was developed to be able to bridge the gap between traditional acupuncture and modern day science and advanced biotechnologies. By combining the best of both modern biotechnology and traditional acupuncture in specific combinations we are able to achieve more predictable and consistent results, accelerate healing, use less needles, get better outcomes, and it allows us to expand our ability to help people that are suffering with today’s most challenging and chronic health conditions.
Who We Are
Our Approach and Philosophy On Healthcare
Find out how we help today’s most challenging chronic and complex health conditions.
Services Offered at HSAIM
Linwood, NJ 08221